Arduino Stackable Header Kit - R3

These headers are made to work with the Arduino Uno R3, Leonardo and new Arduino boards going forward. They are the perfect height for clearing the USB-B connector and great for stacking multiple shields. This kit includes 4 headers (2 8-pin, 1 10-pin and 1 6-pin), enough to connect a shield to an Arduino board. These are the same headers we use in our tutorials and with our own shields.

Note: If you have a board that does not use the Arduino R3 architecture which include the OREF, SCL, and SDA pins they can be found here. We know that many boards still do not use the R3 layout so we like keeping that kit available for those situations!

Arduino Stackable Header Kit - R3 Product Help and Resources

Wireless Glove Controller

April 24, 2019

Build a wireless glove controller with Arduinos to trigger an LED using XBees!

Core Skill: Soldering

This skill defines how difficult the soldering is on a particular product. It might be a couple simple solder joints, or require special reflow tools.

1 Soldering

Skill Level: Noob - Some basic soldering is required, but it is limited to a just a few pins, basic through-hole soldering, and couple (if any) polarized components. A basic soldering iron is all you should need.
See all skill levels


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  • Member #511688 / about 10 years ago / 2

    well I'm confused... I would have expected 2x 6 pin and 2x 8 pin... somebody tell me where these go! I need 2x 6 and 2x 8 to fit my pinout! bought them for the xbee shield which doesn't accommodate the 10 and 8 pin. I guess I should buy the individual pieces from now one.

  • Member #700884 / about 9 years ago / 1

    I have been reading and I heard someone said it would work in places without much muscle. Would you guys think the underside of the wrist would be a possible location to record the heart rate? Think in the position of a watch. Thanks.

  • Superteck / about 11 years ago / 1

    Would be great to have 13pin headers for Raspberry PI. I have used the 8 pin and trimmed off 1 pin from the 6 pin and they work OK.

    They come up a little short, but workable... 13 pin, tall, headers a tough to find.

  • Kerbal / about 11 years ago / 1

    Includes is correct; description is wrong

  • The photo and the includes text is correct = 2x 8-pin, 1x 6-pin and 1 x 10-pin

  • Stacie O / about 12 years ago / 1

    The description should be changed to reflect the "Includes:" section.

    Description: 1x 8-pin, 1x 10-pin and 2x 6-pin Includes: 2x 8-pin, 1x 10-pin and 1x 6-pin

  • / about 12 years ago / 1

    So does the R3 not come with any headers? The images on its product page show that it has headers.

    • Kamiquasi / about 12 years ago / 1

      It does.

      Unfortunately, the headers on the board will clear the DIP chip (the actual microcontroller), but not the USB port and barrel jack. That's fine if you have a standard formfactor shield, but bigger ones end up overlapping that area. Standard headers would cause these shields to fit very loosely into the UNO R3's headers.

      In come these headers. Their long pins allow the shield to mate with the UNO R3 better.

      It's not really always the best of solutions, though. It causes the shield to not be mounted flush with the UNO R3. An alternative would be to get short headers and press those down into the UNO R3 first, then mount your shield on top of that - or replace the headers on the UNO R3 entirely (keeping in mind that if you no longer need the 'big' shield, you've just wasted some vertical space).

  • Member #391470 / about 12 years ago / 1

    Could someone please help me in telling me, where should I look for the footprint for this headers in the eagle library?

  • semaf / about 12 years ago / 1

    What is true? This kit includes 4 headers ....2 6-pin or 2 8-pin??

  • planesrcool / about 12 years ago / 1

    Any idea when they'll be back in stock?

Customer Reviews

4.4 out of 5

Based on 12 ratings:

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1 of 2 found this helpful:

Fit's Uno R3 Perfectly

The other review for this product is incorrect. The Arduino Uno R3 requires (1) 6-pin, (2) 8-pin, and (1) 10-pin, which is exactly what this kit provides. The picture posted by the other reviewers shows that their Uno also requires these, but the shield they were using required different pin numbers.

All that is to say, this kit works great on the Arduino Uno R3. The pins are long enough that my wifi shield was securely connected to the Uno even though it could not sit flush to the Uno's headers.

Keep these in your parts box

These are cheap and efficient to use you should always have these in your parts box just in case

Problem Solver!

These stacker headers make mounting shields or PCBs (that don't have extender pins built-in) easy to mate with my Arduino. Great time savers with maximum flexibility.

Standard Arduino parts

These fit and work just like you would expect them too. They have the extra pins for newer Arduinos. If you have a old Arduino and the extra pins get in the way, a few seconds with a strong knife takes care of the problem.

Excellent Headers!

Perfect fit, easy to solder, works as intended.

Wow!! Headers that stack!!!!!

These are exactly like other headers I have used, only different. Where other headers might be pins or sockets, these are BOTH pins and sockets. It is like they took a regular female header and then added a male part underneath. Be careful though. If you are prone to accidentally stabbing yourself with header pins then these may cause considerably more damage. For most people though, including anyone I have ever met or known of, these should be quite safe to use.

As expected

Well - there's not much to say about this product, other than it works as expected :)

Works perfectly with Teensy Arduino Shield

These stacking headers are the perfect complement to the SparkFun Teensy Arduino shield. Because the Teensy sits high on the shield these stacking headers are needed so that another shield can be put on top without bumping into the Teensy.

0 of 2 found this helpful:

Arduino Stackable Header Kit - R3

The PRT-11417 Arduino Stackable Header Kit - R3 was bought to go with the Arduino Uno R3. The description on site says "These headers are made to work with the Arduino Uno R3" . The PRT-11417 ships with •2x - 8-pin Arduino Stackable Headers •1x - 6-pin Arduino Stackable Headers •1x - 10-pin Arduino Stackable Headers But the Uno R3 requires two 8-pin headers and two 6-pin headers. So not sure why they ship two eights, a six and a ten when what is needed is two eights and two sixes. The ten-pin was altered with a hobby knife by scoring it deeply on both sides and snapping the extra four pins off. A picture of the final product

Not for Leonardo ETH

The Leonardo ETH has high parts in the middle of the board, but the headers are much shorter. The tails on these headers aren't long enough to reach the sockets on the Leonardo ETH.