Raspberry Pi 5 Camera Cable - 200mm

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This is a 200mm camera cable for use with the Raspberry Pi Cameras and the Raspberry Pi 5. The Raspberry Pi 5 provides two four-lane MIPI connectors, each of which can support either a camera or a display. These connectors use the same 22-way, 0.5mm-pitch “mini” FPC format as the Compute Module Development Kit, and require adapter cables to connect to the 15-way, 1mm-pitch “standard” format connectors on our current camera and display products.

Note: The camera cable should not be used with a display, and vice versa. We have both cables available. The Raspberry Pi brand cameras and displays will still come with the old style cable until further notice.


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  • Member #214436 / about 2 months ago / 1

    The description for this product seems to have been poorly copy/pasted from the listing for the "Raspberry Pi 5 Display Cable - 200mm" since this cable for the camera says it's for the display and should NOT be used with a camera. Very confusing. Why can the cables not be interchanged?

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