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Gyro Breakout Board - LISY300AL 300°/s

**Replacement: **None. We are no longer carrying this board, but check out our gyro category for more gyro breakout boards. This page is for reference only.

This is the breakout board for the low power single axis gyro from ST Microelectronics with a 300 degree per second maximum range. A low-pass filter is integrated into the board along with a power down feature. The LISY300AL outputs an analog voltage in proportion to the angular rate.

Not sure which gyro is right for you? Our Accelerometer and Gyro Buying Guide might help!

Note: We no longer carry this board but we do have a few left in stock so we're selling them at a reduced price for a limited time. Get them while you can!

  • 2.7 to 3.6VDC supply
  • +/-300 degree/ second output
  • Embedded power-down feature
  • Analog rate out
  • Integrated low pass filter
  • Embedded self test
  • High shock survivability
  • 0.8 x 0.8"


Looking for answers to technical questions?

We welcome your comments and suggestions below. However, if you are looking for solutions to technical questions please see our Technical Assistance page.

  • U2 / about 14 years ago / 1

    Can i get the Eagle library for LISY300.? Where can i find it ?

  • Hi All, noob question.
    If i want to measure how fast I am spinning an object (hand held), would it be possible with this?
    For example, i want to make a POV (hand held) to spin but I don't want to use hal sensors or anything like that, I want to run my calculations based on the speed of the POV device whilst in motion.
    Thank you for the replies...

    • N8B / about 14 years ago / 1

      A gyroscope measures degrees per second. Deg/sec is a unit for measuring angular velocity. Angular velocity is a fancy physics term for how fast something is spinning in a circle.

  • Daniel Bernardos / about 15 years ago / 1

    Are you guys serious? Have you sold 346 of these in 3 days? That is $8,632.7 ?? Or you haven't updated the stock yet? OMG
    FROM Twitter:
    Ernie last night [...] 288 LISY300AL Gyros [...]
    7:32 AM Feb 2nd from web
    ernie did 81 LISY300AL Gyros! and [...]
    3:02 PM Feb 5th from web

  • un_ordinateur / about 15 years ago / 1

    What is the difference between this Gyro and, say, ADXRS610 you sell too? Both measure +/- 300 ?/s.
    This one is powered with 3.3V and ADXRS610 uses 5V. This is the only direct Difference I see, yet ADXRS610 is twice the price of LISY300AL! What explains that?
    Thank you.

  • RoboN8r / about 16 years ago / 1

    Just curious... why didn't you include the power supply decoupling caps recommended on page 9 of the datasheet?

    • Both the recommended 10uF and 0.1uF caps are on the board. Re-check the schematic. They're just placed a bit off to the side.

      • RoboN8r / about 16 years ago / 1

        Got it. Thanks. I must have zoomed in on the main chip and never looked at the whole thing again. Noob mistake, sorry.

  • Fredjikrang / about 16 years ago / 1

    I sure hope the scale on those pictures is wrong. 2" square seems pretty big. ;D

    • Yep, the ruler in the picture is way off. The correct dimensions are 0.8" by 0.8".
      We'll get that fixed. Thanks for letting us know!

      • MaxQ / about 16 years ago / 1

        Um, how can a board that is clearly rectangular have square dimensions? Has the board changed since the pictures were taken?
        By printing the image, measuring with calipers, and scaling to the dimensions of the LISY300AL, I get 0.50" x 0.65" (12.7 mm x 16.5 mm).

    • RoboN8r / about 16 years ago / 1

      Good point. The datasheet for the gyro itself says its 7x7x1.5 mm, and that pretty well matches the scale in the picture on its page. In this picture it looks like its 20 mm. The breakout board must be only about 17 mm / 2/3".

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