Member Since: March 9, 2009
Country: Canada
I fly FPV drone and we have buzzer on them that we can trigger with remote. There is also a way to program the motor speed controller where after X amount of inactivity the ESC start making the brushless motor beep. Yes brushless motor can be use as sound device. They do startup sound and some 32bit ESC can even play music. Anyway, I program mine to be activated with remote and also start beeping after 2min of not spinning. I would do something similar with the frisbee. I would use the shell of the frisbee to be the speaker chamber, exactly how the airtag is using the case as to amplify sound waves. Airtags are great but in tall grass, range is short. btw, I totally want to see that 350$ UHF scanner in use!
How many frisbee can you buy for 350$?
fluorescent paint is a novel idea. Adding optical or magnetic encoders to the other end of the motor shaft would be redundancy. Some of the newest stepper motor chips have build in load and stall detection like the TMC2209. It's use in 3D printer so they don't need end switch.
well I can confirm that you need the now retired "Crossover Breakout for FTDI" to make this work with XCTU and serial port on computer (To receive data). Lucky I had that laying around in the basement!
will there be any iOS app demo for the Artemis?
I would trust the datasheet and not the picture. Also you can find an example of SPI ST7789V library here.
nice work! I also started experimenting after seen David Shorey work.
remove admin
it's here
yes here it is
link to github is this
and not the one with admin in it
Have you seen how Adadruit did their smart toilet, call IoT (Internet of Toilet)? It makes this usefull because it's connected to internet so you can change colors dependings of weather, facebook likes, notifications, etc.
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