Servo - Generic Metal Gear (Micro Size)

Here is a simple, low-cost, high quality servo for all your mechatronic needs. This servo is able to take in 6 volts and deliver 44.4 oz-in. of maximum torque at 0.18 sec/60°

This is a small servo with a standard 3 pin power and control cable (red = power, brown = ground, and yellow = data), and all hardware listed below.

  • 1x S05NF Metal Gear Servo
  • 1x Double Arm Horn
  • 1x Circle Horn
  • 2x 3x22mm Phillips Screw
  • 2x 3x2.5mm Phillips Screw
  • 3x 2x9mm Phillips Screw
  • 4x 2mm Nut
  • Voltage: 4.8-6.0 Volts
  • Torque: 38.8/44.4 oz-in. (4.8/6.0V)
  • Speed: 0.20/0.18 sec/60° (4.8/6.0V)
  • Rotation: 180°
  • Dual Ball Bearing
  • Metal Gears* 28.8 x 13.8 x 30.2mm
  • Wire Length: 180mm
  • Weight: 20g
  • [Datasheet]( STD.pdf)
  • Bildr Tutorial

Servo - Generic Metal Gear (Micro Size) Product Help and Resources

Servo Trigger Hookup Guide

March 26, 2015

How to use the SparkFun Servo Trigger to control a vast array of Servo Motors, without any programming!

Hobby Servo Tutorial

May 26, 2016

Servos are motors that allow you to accurately control the rotation of the output shaft, opening up all kinds of possibilities for robotics and other projects.

Power Supply

Make sure that you use a separate power supply that is sufficient enough to power the Generic Metal Gear (Micro Size) Servo. 5V from a computer's USB port and Arduino microcontroller will not be sufficient enough to power the system. The servo can pull enough power to brown out your Arduino or not move the servo.

Core Skill: Robotics

This skill concerns mechanical and robotics knowledge. You may need to know how mechanical parts interact, how motors work, or how to use motor drivers and controllers.

3 Robotics

Skill Level: Competent - You may need an understanding of servo motors and how to drive them. Additionally, you may need some fundamental understanding of motor controllers.
See all skill levels

Core Skill: DIY

Whether it's for assembling a kit, hacking an enclosure, or creating your own parts; the DIY skill is all about knowing how to use tools and the techniques associated with them.


Skill Level: Noob - Basic assembly is required. You may need to provide your own basic tools like a screwdriver, hammer or scissors. Power tools or custom parts are not required. Instructions will be included and easy to follow. Sewing may be required, but only with included patterns.
See all skill levels

Core Skill: Electrical Prototyping

If it requires power, you need to know how much, what all the pins do, and how to hook it up. You may need to reference datasheets, schematics, and know the ins and outs of electronics.

3 Electrical Prototyping

Skill Level: Competent - You will be required to reference a datasheet or schematic to know how to use a component. Your knowledge of a datasheet will only require basic features like power requirements, pinouts, or communications type. Also, you may need a power supply that?s greater than 12V or more than 1A worth of current.
See all skill levels


Looking for answers to technical questions?

We welcome your comments and suggestions below. However, if you are looking for solutions to technical questions please see our Technical Assistance page.

  • Here's a tutorial we made on how to make a simple robotic arm made with 3 of these servo motors. Enjoy!

  • For a wiring guide and basic code for connecting the servo motor to Arduino Uno and other controllers, check out this link

  • Member #779951 / about 9 years ago / 1

    Hi, hope you'll find this interesting : It's using sparkfun micro size servo and Pir.

  • Member #305763 / about 12 years ago / 4

    I bought two of these motors and am having trouble getting either to work with the Servo...Sweep sketch. One of them rotates smoothly in one direction but then is jumpy as it rotates in the other direction. The other likes to move back and forth around a specific angle and then jump around a bit before returning to the back and forth motion.

    Has anyone had any similar problems? Any advice? Thanks.

    • Member #350186 / about 11 years ago / 2

      I just got one and am having the same problem of jumping around. Per some other comments here and elsewhere, I made sure that the Arduino code was not hitting 180 (i.e. limiting to 160); and I also verified w/ a meter that the arduino was sending a full 5v of power.

      I guess I should return it for a new one. Hopefully this is just a defective unit and the other will work.

    • CBass / about 11 years ago / 1

      I had the same problem with the sweep sketch. I was able to fix it by increasing the delay in the sketch between steps

  • marc.andela / about 11 years ago / 3

    The best thing to do with this servos is use an external power supply instead of the arduino 5v. I had a problem with the servo rotating out of the control, I was using the arduino to supply power to the servo. Then a decided to use 4 AA batteries and voila, the servos now works smoothly.

  • Member #138878 / about 14 years ago / 3

    Can we please have a data sheet?

  • Member #2443 / about 12 years ago / 2

    Anybody know what the timing is for these servos. I bought two and they both jam on the end stop when hooked up to a standard R/C servo tester. My fancier tester just has a fit and crashes - maybe the very heavy current requirement noted. In any case I can't get the servo to rotate to any position but the end stop.

  • Griffin / about 13 years ago / 2

    Any idea on when you will get more in stock?????

  • Hobbytronics / about 13 years ago / 2

    For those of you having problems with these running hot and drawing excess current, it seems to be because you are trying to drive them beyond the mechanical end stops.
    If you are driving these servos using the Arduino Servo library (or your own microcontroller code), then the high value of 180 (Arduino), which creates a 2.4ms pulse width, may be too high and tries to drive the servo past its mechanical end stop. This leads to a high current being drawn (1A+) and the servo gets hot.
    If you reduce the Arduino Sketch value from 180 down to 170 (or drop your pulse width down to 2.3ms max) then you should be ok.
    In normal operation (no load), these servos only need about 50mA when moving and virtually nothing when stationary.
    It seems that the setting of the mechanical end stop varies somewhat.

    • jundery / about 13 years ago * / 1

      This is great advice from Hobbytronics, on the unit I tried with the default Arduino Servo library any setting below 15 was too low and the upper limit was around the 170 value mentioned by Hobbytronics.

  • disabelle / about 13 years ago / 2

    how much can this thing move/lift?

  • Member #138878 / about 14 years ago / 2

    Your advertised specification �Output torque: 3.2kg/cm (19.6oz/in) (6V)� is incorrect. 3.2kg/cm converts to 44.4oz/in.

    In any case 44.4oz/in of torque and (60 degrees/1.8s) or about 60 rpm works out to about 2 watts. At 6V the current should be 333 mA. Allowing for 80% efficiency, 2.4 watts at 6V would require 400 mA.

    The requirement of this servo seems to be considerably more than 400 mA. The torque seems to be fairly high, maybe more than the 44.4oz/in.

    Member79076 indicated that of his two servos, one worked and one drew too much power. Maybe there IS something amiss with these servos. In any case they should all work the same. My two servos seemed to require much more power than the listed requirement and one died after applying enough power to make it function.

    The analysis continues.

  • Member #649263 / about 9 years ago / 1

    Does anyone have a CAD file for this servo, that would definitely help with my use of the servo.

  • Member #607913 / about 10 years ago / 1

    What is the pitch and pressure angle of the metal gear? Thanks!

  • Member #607913 / about 10 years ago / 1

    What is the pitch and pressure angle of the metal gear? Thanks.

  • tankapotamus / about 10 years ago / 1

    Is this the servo for the mechanical claw you sell?

  • DecodedNYC / about 10 years ago / 1

    Solid little servos. I can get a range of 9-169 degrees off an Arduino Uno power supply - perfectly stable. The orientation seems off (CCW) but I am getting more to see if this is an odd one out.

    Got these running off a leapmotion:

  • John Striker / about 10 years ago / 1

    Can this be used outdoors? Also what is the operating temperature range?

  • Member #293215 / about 10 years ago / 1


  • Member #549791 / about 10 years ago / 1

    which wire is power ground and data???

  • Member #549791 / about 10 years ago / 1

    which wire is power ground and data???

  • Luke D / about 11 years ago * / 1

    I am having the same issue everyone is reporting about it not working with the Arduino Servo Sweep Sketch. I have done about everything and cannot get these servos to work.

    Unless I am missing something. Anyone have good suggestions for another all metal Micro Servo?

    Edit: Turns out I might be looking at #27199 post. I think I will try that tonight

  • Member #27199 / about 11 years ago / 1

    I have recently bought one of these motors and had some issues using it. Currently i am working with the EiBotBoard but based on the fundamentals all projects should be adaptable to it's characteristics.

    Its a funny motor, great but real funny.

    As with any servo, the default position is at zero (used with hesitation). with a swing of 90 degrees to the left or right.

    Now this is the important part, as we all already know you cant get an actual 180 degree of movement from this puppy so you will have to settle for the 162 degrees it can produce.

    its only capable of a 81 degree swing clockwise or counterclockwise from the default 0 degree position.

    If you try to get more than that it will start acting up, as many persons here have described, i.e. the shaft just keep swing from left to right like a mad cat, reason is that the controller inside doesn't know know the limitations of the motor so when you give a degree turn it cant achieve it goes mad trying to find it (it never will).

    If that happens, just issue a command telling the motor to go to a known position (-81 to +81) and it will calm down and regain its sanity.

    In terms of using this motor with the EiBotBoard

    My hats off to its creator, a great job but sparkfun needs to examine the documentation that comes with the product as most of it is incorrect (by far), especially the servo (S2) command.

    the S2 command uses a resolution of 1/12,000,000 of a second to a single unit, works out to be 83.something uS.

    This is fine, but the documentation states that the max value for duration is 32,000 which equals to 3 mS.

    Simple math tells you this is incorrect as 83uS * 32,000 = 2.66 mS.

    So here is how it works...tested and proven....

    to have a servo go to the default (0 and in some cases 90 (for the people who prefer that)) you issue the SC command with a duration value of 15000.

    each degree is a factor of 111, so if zero is the default position the 6000 = -81 degrees and 24000 = +81 degrees.

    My calculations have proven to be spot on (for my application) but i do not know what your project is like so it may vary.

    Let me know now it works.

  • Member #260425 / about 11 years ago / 1

    I hooked up one of these with the power/ground pins reversed and, sadly, it only took a few seconds for all the magic smoke to escape. An autopsy has determined that an orange surface mount component on the top of the circuit board (right underneath the round isolating wafer) pretty much burned away completely. The markings are gone, can anyone tell me what that component was? maybe I'll try to repair it. Thanks.

    • there is a very high possibility that several components were actually damaged, not just the one.

  • Member #459799 / about 11 years ago / 1

    I'm new to electronics and i wonder if you can control this servo motor with a toggle switch. I want to control it with a toggle switch because i am working on a control panel for a go-kart, the panel will be made of some toggle switches with fancy "misile" covers, the switches will be used to toggle various things in order for it to start, but what i want to use the servo motor for is to pull a lever in the motor (Specifically the choke and gas on/off levers) so as said, can you control the motor with a toggle switch. Example: when the toggle switch is OFF, the motor will be at a neutral position where it does not pull the lever, when the toggle switch is ON, the motor will be at a position pulling the lever to activate the respective functions.

    I hope this was not too complicated to read, i found it hard to descripe this without some gramatical blurrrrr :D

  • Member #446058 / about 11 years ago / 1

    I bought 3 of this, and Seems like it requires a lot of power, it would be nice to have a tutorial on how to connect them to (say, arduino)

    when I connect mine to arduino the arduino almost powers out , then works again ... and so on ... if anyone has a good tutorial that would be nice as well :)

    I guess I'd need capacitors but I wouldn't know how to do it :(

  • rkvt / about 11 years ago / 1

    To anyone having problems with these "jumping around" or "jittering", I have found that they work best with their own (isolated) power supply. As in NOT using any power from an Arduino or other microcontroller board. Also when doing this, make sure they are connected to the same common/ground.

  • Member #452912 / about 11 years ago / 1

    i just bought couple of these servo and not happy at all. it doesn't turn much. wouldn't recommend for the arm robot.

  • tomdbin / about 11 years ago / 1

    I have several of these motors. At first I thought there was a problem as my initial experience was the same as several other contributors - eratic behaviour, jaming on the end stops, constant motion/oscilation etc.

    However, the problems were only apparent when driven directly from the Arduino UNO board - even with an independent power supply. On the scope the pulses intermittently have the trailing corner cut off, resulting in an inprecise pulse width.

    If you drive the servo from a Servo Controller or by powering the motor directly, then it works perfectly.

  • Maulkraken / about 12 years ago / 1

    Will this servo fit the Pan/Tilt bracket ROB-10335 as well ? (assuming I have two servos).

  • Member #409704 / about 12 years ago / 1

    does anyone know the control pw signals that controls this servo (min,max, and default)? i am using the arduino uno to control it and i figured out that i have to change the default values in the servo.h libraries to make it work, but i can't tell the numbers i should use.

  • Member #400109 / about 12 years ago / 1

    I recieved mine with 2 of the internal gear in the wrong place (bent the protection bar in the inside. and jittering around alot and would never do the full 180 degrees.)

    Swapped the gears around and it worked perfectly. Some quality control issues with the maker i think.

    • Hagar / about 12 years ago / 1

      I was having similar problems with a servo I got back in January. After reading your message I decided to take it apart and check things out. Sure enough the gears had been setup wrong. Works great now. The shocking lack of quality control is sad. I'd rather pay an extra $0.10 for something that works like it's supposed to.

  • Member #399030 / about 12 years ago / 1

    Does anyone know how many pulses it has. Generally, on the Arduino sets it to 544u at 0degrees and 2400u at 180 degrees. Since mine does not move a full 180degrees, does anyone have suggestions on how to solve this problem? Thanks.

  • Member #369574 / about 12 years ago / 1

    Sure be nice if the datasheet or Web site included the information on which wire was which. Usually a datasheet includes information on the pin out...

  • Member #305763 / about 12 years ago / 1

    I bought two of these motors and am having trouble getting either to work with the Servo... Sweep sketch. Any suggestions? Has anyone had similar problems:

    After uploading Sweep, the first servo rotates smoothly in one direction but then is jumpy as it rotates in the other direction. The second servo likes to move back and forth around a specific angle and then jumps around a bit before returning to the back and forth motion...

  • Member #305763 / about 12 years ago / 1

    I bought two of these motors and am having trouble getting either to work with the Servo...Sweep sketch. One of them rotates smoothly in one direction but then is jumpy as it rotates in the other direction. The other likes to move back and forth around a specific angle and then jump around a bit before returning to the back and forth motion.

    Has anyone had any similar problems? Any advice? Thanks.

  • Member #254036 / about 13 years ago / 1

    bought this servo and it keeps bugging. bought 4 and all are bugging. The red light on the arduino flashes when the bug happends. Tried it with some different kind of servos and then its not bugging at all. Got the arduino duemilanove 168.
    The code I used is the example code sweep.

    • Sounds like you may have some power issues going on with the way you have it wired up to your Arduino. Send us an email at and describe your circuit and we can help you out.

  • Member #245025 / about 13 years ago / 1

    The one I just received is not operational. After running it with the sweep program the internals can be heard turning. Output shaft is jammed solid, can't even turn it with a pair of pliers. Arms in package have misaligned holes. I believe most of these are poorly assembled causing the internal parts to bind. This would explain most of the problems below from high current draw to running excessively hot. For $11 USD I didn't expect much but I did expect it to operate. :( Not worth the shipping cost to return it.

  • CoryW / about 13 years ago / 1

    This thing is more power hungry than Alexander the Great. Forget running it with an Arduino & 9V: it hardly budges. After several hours of tinkering, I ended up powering the servo with 4 AA's and the Arduino with a 9V. If the power isn't sufficient (too much movement/low batteries), the Arduino will reset. You can also power the servo with a battery and the Arduino with a PC, but your mileage may vary.
    For all those having issues with controller boards resetting, use a separate (and higher voltage) power supply for the servo and you should be fine. Not sure how long those batteries will last, though.

  • Blueblast88 / about 13 years ago / 1

    Fragile mine was damaged in transit

  • Abdulla873 / about 13 years ago / 1

    it's weight??

  • Ninjinx / about 13 years ago / 1

    There's definitely something weird going on with these servos... They run VERY hot! ..Not a good thing for a servo.

    • Ninjinx / about 13 years ago / 1

      These servos seems to be horrible quality. Save your money and buy some better quality servos instead.

  • disabelle / about 13 years ago / 1

    ok i know it says voltage is 4.8-6 but do you think i can run this on one of your new lipos batterys thats a 7.4volt? just a idea it would be easier than buying new batterys ever time a battery pack runs dry

    • Member #387885 / about 12 years ago / 1

      I wouldn't recommend it. It has the high probability of ruining the servo. I suggest buying a simple 4XAA battery holder. Works great with my servo projects.

  • DmitryS / about 13 years ago / 1

    I think SFE should also caryy something like "SR811 Robot Servo"

  • nerdboy64 / about 13 years ago / 1

    What is required to drive this off an Arduino?

    • Nothing. Hook it directly to your Arduino and load a sketch.

  • SomeGuy123 / about 14 years ago * / 1

    What type of head does this have?

  • Member #32814 / about 14 years ago / 1

    Bought two of these. Hooked up to the Uno's PWM output, they seem to be calibrated for 0-180 PWM output on the arduino which is nice since it is a 180 degree motor. The problem I have with one of them is it only moves about 160 degrees and when 0 is sent to the PWM output, it looks like it is binding inside and draws a lot of current. Could some of these be manufactured with the pots off a few tens of degrees? This would be acceptable if the motor did not have physical rotational constraints at 0-180.

  • Member #79076 / about 14 years ago / 1

    Definitely something wrong with one of the units I bought. Wouldn't run off NetDuino or HandyBoard. Attached to 5v bench supply with ammeter to see what it was trying to draw and it hit about 10A before I turned it off. Nice smell of hot electronics. Probably not going to get too much out of this unit after this, but it was definitely faulty to start with. Its mate seems to work OK, but you might want to go with a brand name servo judging from some of the other experiences on this topic. I couldn't find any reference to this unit or model # on the web so no datasheet.

  • Member #138878 / about 14 years ago / 1

    The servo requires A LOT of power. My 500ma 5V supply drops down to 3V when powering the servo. When supplied with a 1A 9V supply, it works normally but the voltage drops as low as 7.9V. The connection in the connector is "servo standard" There is no way that this servo can be powered from any USB port and that is not really a problem for me. I really like the torque offered by this little device. I have not been able to measure the peak current yet but I expect that it is more than 1A. You may want to post this information.
    One of the servos no longer works at all. Its failure might have been caused by the wild cycling caused by the drop in voltage when using a supply that was insufficient.

  • livermouse / about 14 years ago / 1

    What's a typical current draw for these under load?

  • Member #79076 / about 14 years ago / 1

    Bought a couple of these recently but only one seems to work. The other shows a low resistance between the power connections (brown/red) and this overloads my controller board. Any suggestions as to how to fix, or should I return it as DOA?

  • Member #118544 / about 14 years ago / 1

    Do these have metal gears?

  • ahmad / about 14 years ago / 1

    is this continuous rotation?

Customer Reviews

3.7 out of 5

Based on 9 ratings:

Currently viewing all customer reviews.

1 of 1 found this helpful:

Work for a while, then ...

I've used these on some automation equipment for a very light load application. Driven from the ServoTrigger pcbs (which are super). I've had 5~6 of the servos die ... supply is 5V, so shouldn't be a problem. My best guess is that the sweep rate set on the ServoTrigger is a little too high, so they can't keep up and the current through the drive transistors isn't limited internally.

2 of 3 found this helpful:

can't find important info

The wire designation is not shown on the datasheet. Also, there should be a basic servo tutorial on the site.

Sorry about that. Check out the page now, we have added some more information that should help you.

Small and strong

I've tried a lot of $10-ish micro servos, and most have been awful. Shaking, stripped gears, even on the metal gear ones. These are a breath of fresh air. They're slow and strong like a standard servo, but micro. Very impressed. The only potential gotcha: The spline (and by extension, the horns) are bigger than usual for micro servos.

Very good deal

The servo are technically as expected and come with more horns than expected. Quite fast delivery to Switzerland. Thanks !


I also bought the servo trigger, after adding the tiny84 micro to another board I cannot flash the code with the correct FSM's

But where was this a year ago

A little bigger than what I am accustomed to but, but great response time. 2018 is the year of the autonomous bots. Great purchase. No cons.

50% work

I bought three of these a year ago and put them away. I recently hooked one of them up to a 6v power supply and a controller. The servo worked for a little while but stopped within a few minutes. I checked the wiring and voltage then hooked the other two up, one of them did not even moved the other moved for a little but, started smoking and made my batteries very hot. I ordered three more of the same servos (at the time to replace the one that burnt) and they have been working continuously with no issues. Tech support blames my battery pack, I think the servos are junk.

Operating industrial gates on model RR layout

Coupled two servos to a Pro-mini board for operating the open/closing of two pairs of gates.

0 of 1 found this helpful:


I have bought several of these, and have not had any trouble with any of them.