General Information
Warranty Information
We strive to provide accurate descriptions and high quality merchandise. If you have any problems with your order, please let us know as soon as possible! We will do everything in our power to make it right. Please see our Return Policy for more information.
SparkFun will be closed for regular business the following days in 2023. No orders will ship these days, but you can still place an order through the website as usual.
- May 30th, 2022 - Memorial Day
- July 4th, 2022 - Independence Day
- September 5th, 2022 - Labor Day
- November 24-25th, 2022 - Thanksgiving
- December 23rd-26th, 2022 - Christmas
- January 2nd, 2023 - New Year's
Contact Us
In a continued effort to keep our staff safe and adhere to the CDC safety and staffing guidelines the majority of our staff are working remote and are unable to take phone calls at this time. Please use our webform above or contact our Technical Support team through the live forums with any queries you may have.
Customer Support -
Technical Support - Live Forums
Accounting/W9 Requests -
Code of Conduct
The SparkFun community is known for its creativity, experimentation, curiosity, and openness - we are extremely proud of this. As a company, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment to all individuals who interact with our website, our digital spaces, and employees; in turn, we expect everyone to treat one another with respect and courtesy. The following code of conduct applies to all those who interact on the SparkFun web site, digital spaces, and/or with the SparkFunion team:
- Treat others with dignity and respect.
- Refrain from demeaning or discriminatory behavior and speech or other unacceptable behaviors.*
- Alert SparkFun if you see any inappropriate communications on our channels, website, or events.
Violating this Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. If someone is deemed to be acting in an unacceptable manner,* staff may take any action they deem appropriate, including refusal of business, removal of comments, or blocking of accounts - without warning, as warranted.
We value all those who interact with us in any form - please contact us immediately if you witness or directly experience unacceptable behavior.
*Unacceptable behaviors include but are not limited to: offensive comments, insults, jokes or ridicule; gratuitous or off-topic sexual images or behavior in spaces where they are nor other unappropriately aggressive behaviors; threats of violence or deliberate intimidation; creating additional online accounts in order to harass another person or circumvent a ban; harassment of any form.