SparkFun Documentation
For more than 20 years, SparkFun has been dedicated to offering high-quality hardware backed by thorough documentation.
SparkFun Tutorials
For years SparkFun has hosted tutorials as a repository for anything and everything
GitHub Hookup Guides
For any product released after 2023 we have a GitHub Hookup Guide to get you started.
If you are looking for hookup guides for earlier products you can find them here.
Community Forum
SparkFun has dedicated staff on our discord forum to help you with technical inquiries.
Everything you need is on each product page.
For each and every original product that SparkFun produces, we provide as much documentation as possible.
Simply locate the Helpful Documentation section for Hookup Guides, Datasheets, and Schematics or the Documentation tab for a full listing of documentation.
Check out SparkFun Tutorials on Hackster!
As you probably know, is a community dedicated to learning hardware. We love There are many tutorials using SparkFun hardware. The best part is you can contribute to the community. We love sharing what users are doing with our hardware!
Photo above from Use Qwiic I2C and SOMRT1061 for Rapid Prototyping tutorial on Hackster.
Featured Tutorials
Given the wide range of sensors and data transmission options available, we're here to help you get started with utilizing different IoT technologies effectively.
Sending Sensor Data Series
In this tutorial, we’ll teach you how to get started using Bluetooth in your projects by sending sensor data between multiple SparkFun Thing Plus ESP32 WROOM USB-C devices.
In this tutorial, we'll show you how to set up your own peer-to-peer network to sense data from one area and send that data to an LCD screen somewhere else without needing any internet connection or routers.
In this tutorial we’re going to see what it takes to send sensor data and output that data to a screen by using two SparkFun LoRa Thing Plus - expLoRaBLE development boards.