Resistance Is Fruitful
Resistance Is Fruitful
SKU: BOK-25432
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Do you want to know more about resistance? Resistors feel simple yet confusing? Heres 24 pages of my fav resistor FACTS!
Product Overview
Do you want to know more about resistance? Resistors feel simple yet confusing? Heres 24 pages of my fav resistor FACTS!
"In electronics, resistors are one of the first components we often learn about, but also the first time we're introduced to math and controlling the flow of electricity. They're an intimidating subject, but glossing over the details about resistors can lead to missing critical information. The reality is that resistors are some of the most fun -- and least understood -- components in electronics. The zine is here to get you excited and knowledgeable!"
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Features & Specs
- Written by: Lee Wilkins
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Resistance Is Fruitful
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$15 retail price.
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