Design for Manufacture with SparkFun

Over 500 curated and proven EAGLE design files to help you get started

EAGLE PCB Design Files from SparkFun's Github Library

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EAGLE PCB Design Files from ULP Configuration

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Product design files from SparkFun product pages and the link below

Product Pages

Product files on GitHub

Resources for every step of EAGLE PCB Design from breadboarding to finished project.

1. How to prototype using a breadboard

A breadboard is a solderless electronic circuit builder - perfect for proving your concept.

Guide to Breadboarding

2. How to Install and Setup EAGLE

Everything you need to know to get started using EAGLE.

Guide to installing EAGLE

3. How to streamline your EAGLE configuration

EAGLE's thousands of library files can be overwhelming. We have more than 500 curated, proven design files for your use. 1) Grab them in GitHub, 2) drag-and-drop a ULP file into an open EAGLE schematic, or 3) find single product design files on product pages or in GitHub (note for product files: individual board files are in "Hardware" directory and EAGLE panels are in the "Production" directory).

Guide to using ULP file  GitHub EAGLE Libraries  GitHub Product Files

4. How to use the EAGLE schematic editor

Designing a schematic is the first step in PCB design. A well-designed schematic is critical to the whole process.

Guide to Schematics

5. How to use EAGLE's Board Designer

Laying out a board is the second step in PCB design. Within EAGLE's board layout tool you create a finished PCB design.

Guide to EAGLE Board Design

6. How to check your design for errors

This step insures that a manufacturer can successfully fabriate your PCB. With SparkFun's design rules files, you can check your design for errors.

Guide to Design Rule Check

7. How to create Gerbers

Use SparkFun's CAM files, to create Gerber files that are accepted by most fab houses.

Guide to creating Gerbers

Popular EAGLE Tutorials

Making Custom Footprints in EAGLE

This tutorial will show you how to make custom, 1:1 footprint for any IC in EAGLE.

How to Install and Setup EAGLE

Not just how to download and install EAGLE, but how to install the SparkFun EAGLE Libraries and scripts.

Using EAGLE: Schematic

How to design a PCB in EAGLE using through-hole parts.

Using EAGLE: Board Layout

Part 2 of the Using Eagle tutorials, this one covers how to lay out a board after designing a schematic.

Designing PCBs: Advanced SMD

Advanced Eagle layout for PCBs with SMD devices.

PCB Basics

What exactly IS a PCB? This tutorial will breakdown what makes up a PCB and some of the common terms used in the PCB world.

Designing PCBs: SMD Footprints

How to design new SMD parts in Eagle PCB

How to Read a Schematic

An overview of component circuit symbols, and tips and tricks for better schematic reading. Click here, and become schematic-literate today!

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