Raspberry Pi Active Cooler

Raspberry Pi Active Cooler

SKU: PRT-23585
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The Raspberry Pi Active Cooler provides an alternative cooling solution for users who wish to use their RPi 5 under sustained heavy load without a case.

Product Overview

The Raspberry Pi Active Cooler provides an alternative cooling solution for users who wish to use their Raspberry Pi 5 under sustained heavy load without a case. It combines a large metal heatsink with a variable-speed blower, again powered and controlled via the fan connector, and attaches to the Raspberry Pi 5 PCB via sprung pins into a pair of mounting holes.

Hookup Accessories

Features & Specs

  • A single-piece anodized aluminium heatsink
  • Heatsink-mounted, temperature-controlled fan
  • 5V blower fan with max speed of 8000RPM
  • Four wires: power, ground, PWM, and tachometer
  • Spring-loaded push pins for mounting onto Raspberry Pi 5
  • Pre-applied thermal pads for heat transfer

Customer Reviews

Raspberry Pi Active Cooler
Raspberry Pi Active Cooler

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