Raspberry Pi Carbon Removal Credit

Raspberry Pi Carbon Removal Credit

SKU: SWG-27807
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In support of environmental sustainability goals, Raspberry Pi Carbon Removal Credits offer customers the opportunity to offset the carbon emissions associated with the manufacture, shipping and disposal of their Raspberry Pi single-board computer.

Product Overview

In support of environmental sustainability goals, Raspberry Pi Carbon Removal Credits offer customers the opportunity to offset the carbon emissions associated with the manufacture, shipping and disposal of their Raspberry Pi single-board computer.

A Raspberry Pi Carbon Removal Credit takes the form of a credit-card-sized piece of card, bearing a unique verifiable serial number. For each card produced, we purchase 6kg of high-quality “enhanced rock weathering” carbon offsets from UNDO Carbon. These offsets are generated by spreading crushed basalt on farmland, absorbing the rated quantity of carbon from the atmosphere over a period of at most twenty years.

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Raspberry Pi Carbon Removal Credit
Raspberry Pi Carbon Removal Credit

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