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The WS2812B (or "NeoPixel") may look like a common 5050-sized SMD LED, but there’s actually an integrated control circuit e…
The MyoWare® 2.0 Muscle Sensor Development Kit is an Arduino-compatible, EMG sensor kit that provides you with every board f…
This Flashlight Soldering Kit is an easy to assemble soldering kit designed to help teach the basics of through hole solderin…
The SparkFun Tinker Kit (STK) is a great way to get started with programming and hardware interaction with the Arduino progra…
The MyoWare® 2.0 Muscle Sensor Basic Kit is an Arduino-compatible, EMG sensor kit that provides you with the essential board…
4-digit 7-segment displays are really neat little devices, it's a shame that they can be so cumbersome to control. Well we've…
The BBC micro:bit v2 is a pocket-sized computer that has been updated with additional features that let you get creative with…
The micro:bit v2 is a pocket-sized computer and the Go Bundle provides you with everything you need to get hooked up and powe…
These 2-pin JST-SM pigtail connectors mate perfectly with LED strips and other applications that require only two lines and a…
We all know that you can never get too many LEDs. Don't worry, we've got you covered. This is a pack of basic red, yellow, bl…
We know these look like a lot of our other LEDs, but they're not! These are PTH Addressable RGB LEDs with a WS2812 (or "NeoPi…
The SparkFun Beginner Parts Kit is a small container of frequently used parts that gives you all of the basic components you…
Have you ever seen a [Weevil]( It's a pretty under-appreciated beetle, so we thought it…
This is the FemtoBuck, a small-size single-output constant current LED driver. Each FemtoBuck has the capability to dim a sin…
The LIDAR-Lite v3 LED is a small, lightweight, low-power optical ranging sensor with incorporated ANT profile wireless networ…
This APA102C is the regular, 5050-sized SMD LED version. With a control circuit embedded, the APA102C-5050 is incredibly brig…
The LIDAR-Lite v4 Qwiic from GARMIN is a high-performance, wireless optical distance measurement sensor that doesn't require …
This Digital LED Voltmeter measures the voltage at a particular point of the system it has been hooked up to and then provide…
This is the LilyPad Rainbow LED strip, with seven LilyPad LEDs that are still attached to one another, letting you snap LEDs …
This is a simple pack of five White LilyPad LEDs that are still attached to one another, letting you snap the LEDs apart at y…
The PicoBuck LED Driver is an economical and easy to use driver that will allow you to control and blend three different LEDs…
The SparkFun ESP32 DMX to LED Shield is the perfect way to send and receive DMX data whether it's coming in or out over the o…
The SparkFun Essential Sensor Kit V2 includes a variety of basic sensors for any beginner or experienced programmer.
This version of the QRE1113 breakout board features an easy-to-use analog output, which will vary depending on the amount of …
Ever hear of a thing called RGB? Red, Green, Blue? How about an RGB LED? These 5mm units have four pins - Cathode is the long…
These are addressable 5-meter-long 5V RGB LED strips that come packed with 300 APA102Cs. APA102 LEDs are very similar to WS28…
The SparkFun Qwiic LED Stick features ten addressable APA102 LEDs, making it easy to add full color LED control using I2C.
These 3-pin JST-SM pigtail connectors mate perfectly with LED strips and other applications that require only two lines and a…
The WS2812B may look like a common 5050-sized (5x5mm) SMD LED, but there’s actually an integrated control circuit embedded …
The SparkFun IN100 NanoBeacon Lite Board offers a 2.4 GHz wireless low energy BT beacon breakout with exceptional low power c…
The SparkFun Qwiic Button with red LED simplifies all of those nasty worries away into an easy to use I2C device, no solderin…
The SparkFun Large Digit Driver is a chainable controller backpack that can be soldered directly to the back of our large [6.…
This is not your basic 7-segment display. The Dual 7-Segment Display features two digits with an RGB LED in every single segm…
This version of the QRE1113 breakout board features a digital output, using a capacitor discharge circuit to measure the amou…
The MyoWare® 2.0 LED Shield is designed to display the magnitude of a target muscle's signal and power the MyoWare 2.0 Muscl…
This is a framed graphical LCD 64x128 with LED backlight. This unit is a very clear STN type LCD with a simple command interf…
This is a breakout board for the WS2812B RGB LED. The WS2812B (or "NeoPixel") is actually an RGB LED with a WS2811 built righ…
The red SparkFun Qwiic Alphanumeric Display allows you to display all sorts of numbers, characters, and symbols. With Qwiic, …
We know this looks like a lot of our other LEDs, but it's not! This is a PTH Addressable RGB LED with a WS2812 (or "NeoPixel"…
With this Lighthouse kit you will be able to learn the basics and intermediate skills of soldering by being able to assemble …
The SparkFun LP55231 LED Driver Breakout is a self-contained solution for developing and deploying the nine-channel I2C LED c…
With the heART Surface Mount Soldering Kit you will be able to learn the basics of SMD soldering by being able to assemble a …
The SparkFun Qwiic Button with green LED simplifies all of those nasty worries away into an easy to use I2C device, no solder…
The Alchitry Io Element Board is the perfect way to get your feet wet with digital design.
You don’t have to worry about adding a resistor to an LED if you get an LED with a built in resistor! This pack contains 20…
The 8x8 SparkFun LuMini LED Matrix, packed with 64 individually addressable LEDS, each capable of producing 16 million colors…