SparkFun Toaster Oven Reflow Control Board
Product Overview
Designed exclusively with SparkFun's À la Carte custom board designer, the Toaster Oven Reflow Control Board is just that – a single, fully populated board for DIY temperature measurement and load control. Specifically the board was designed for:
- Controlling up to two heating coils rated up to 5A/120V AC (common for most toaster ovens)
- Measuring up to two temperature inputs via K-Type thermocouples
- Displaying current status via a backlit 16x2 character LCD
- Reading an encoder with button select to create a simple user interface and menu navigation
- Utilizing the Artemis controller module with built-in BLE for wireless controlling and monitoring
In addition, the I2C bus is available via the on-board Qwiic, the 2nd UART and SPI pins are brought out to empty PTH solder points.
The Toaster Oven Reflow Control Board is not intended to be a final product, and that's what we think is beautiful about it! Including a Qwiic connector to easily add additional sensors or other components will help make this project fit your DIY monitoring and reflow needs.
Note: Thermocouples are not included but we carry the popular K-Type 0-400C thermocouple listed below.
- Schematic
- Basic Demo featuring control of all parts of the hardware
- Rapid Prototype Reflow Oven
- Basic Character LCD Hookup Guide
- The really old but fun original Reflow Toaster tutorial
Customer Reviews