Mini Speaker - PC Mount 12mm 2.048kHz
Mini Speaker - PC Mount 12mm 2.048kHz
SKU: COM-07950
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We drove it directly from a 5V PIC to generate the tones for our Simon demonstration game.
Product Overview
This is a small 12mm round speaker that operates around the audible 2kHz range. You can use these speakers to create simple music or user interfaces.
This is not a true piezoelectric speaker but behaves similarly. Instead of a piezoelectric crystal that vibrates with an electric current, this tiny speaker uses an electromagnet to drive a thin metal sheet. That means you need to use some form of alternating current to get sound. The good news is that this speaker is tuned to respond best with a square wave (e.g. from a microcontroller).
Hookup Accessories
Customer Reviews

Mini Speaker - PC Mount 12mm 2.048kHz
Stock and Customer Discounts
$2.1 retail price.