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BitZero for Shapeoko 5 Pro

BitZero for Shapeoko 5 Pro

SKU: TOL-25933
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The BitZero V2 is a small accessory piece for your Shapeoko CNC machine meant to assist in finding the edges, or datums of the part you are milling.

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Product Overview

The BitZero from Carbide 3D is a small accessory piece for your Shapeoko CNC machine meant to assist in finding the edges, or datums of the part you are milling. This part is an active probe, and when contacted to ground, communicates its position to the Carbide Motion program to help you fabricate easier.

BitZero quickly and accurately finds the X, Y, and Z zero of your job.

BitZero V2 is the update to our original BitZero. Here are the big improvements:

  • Lower profile so it's easier to probe taller projects.
  • BitZero V2 uses a magnetic ground connection rather than an alligator clip.
  • Uses a bore to probe in the X/Y directions so tool diameter doesn't matter.
  • BitZero V2 uses a plastic base to insulate it from the workpiece so it's now possible to probe conductive materials.
  • Includes 1/4" reference pin to eliminate tool flutes as a source of accuracy problems.

BitZero V2 continues to use Carbide's active probing design to make it easier to be sure everything is working well and to trigger as quickly as possible to protect your tools.

BitZero V2 requires Carbide Motion 5.14 or higher and is compatible with all Shapeoko machines.

Hookup Accessories


Customer Reviews

BitZero for Shapeoko 5 Pro
BitZero for Shapeoko 5 Pro TOL-25933

Stock and Customer Discounts

$120 retail price.

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