DC Barrel Jack Adapter - Breadboard Compatible

DC Barrel Jack Adapter - Breadboard Compatible

SKU: PRT-10811
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Breadboard-compatible Barrel Jack Supplier: 4UCON Supplier ID: 14 Website: www.4uconnector.com Contact Name: Eunice Contact Email: eunice@4uconnector.com Manufacturer/Supplier Part Number: 18742 MOQ: 1k pcs Cost: $0.1059 Retail: $1.25 at adafruit: http://www.adafruit.com/products/373 Part: PTH, right angle DC Barrel jack that fits neatly into a breadboard GIT SUM http://www.4uconnector.com/online/object/4udrawing/18742.pdf

Product Overview

This DC power jack/connector is just like the other one that we carry except that it's terminated with breadboard-friendly pins instead of wide solder terminals. These are also compatible with our DC wall supplies and have a 5.5mm jack, with a 2.1mm center pole diameter.


Hookup Accessories


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DC Barrel Jack Adapter - Breadboard Compatible
DC Barrel Jack Adapter - Breadboard Compatible

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$1.05 retail price.

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