SparkFun Shift Register Breakout - 74HC595
SparkFun Shift Register Breakout - 74HC595
SKU: BOB-10680
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Helpful Documentation
Product Overview
This is a breakout for the SOIC version of the 74HC595 shift register IC. Clock in data and latch it to free up IO pins on your micro. All pins from the IC are broken out to standard 0.1" spaced headers. The Serial in and out pins are on opposite sides of the board with the remaining pins carried over so that multiple shift register boards can be chained together.
- [Schematic]( Shift Reg Breakout-v11.pdf)
- [Eagle Files]( Shift Reg
- Shift Register Tutorial
- Datasheet (MM74HC595M)
- 7-Segment Library (Thanks Quin!)
- GitHub (Design Files)
Hookup Accessories
- Schematic
- Eagle Files
- Shift Register Tutorial
- Datasheet (MM74HC595M)
- 7-Segment Library (Thanks Quin!)
- GitHub (Design Files)
Customer Reviews

SparkFun Shift Register Breakout - 74HC595
Stock and Customer Discounts
$4.5 retail price.
Available Discounts
- $4.28 | 10+ units
- $4.05 | 25+ units
- $3.83 | 100+ units