SparkFun Open House

Join us for an Open House on October 22nd, 2011!

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SparkFun Electronics Open House

We wanted to create an event where employees of SparkFun can get together with SparkFun customers, friends, and family for a day of camaraderie, electronics, and fun. So that's exactly what we did! There will be food, workshops, tours, fun events for kids, cool electronics projects (maybe yours?), and much more! Here's the nitty gritty:

  • When?

The Open House will be October 22nd, 2011 from 11 am until 4 pm.

  • Where?

The event will be at SparkFun Headquarters - 6175 Longbow Dr., Boulder, CO, 80301.

  • Why?

We wanted an event that is truly for everyone where we could meet some of our customers and just have a good time, while also learning about electronics.

  • Who?

Anyone is welcome to come to the event. SparkFun employees from every department will be here. Bring your friend Tom, your Aunt Sally, your crazy (maybe not too crazy) neighbor Bill. Anyone and everyone is welcome. However, anyone who is attending is requested to please register at our EventBrite page. This will help us keep track of numbers so we can plan the day accordingly.

  • Cost?

The SparkFun Open House is free!

  • Want to participate in the Project Showcase?

So you have a cool project you've been working on and would like to show off? Great - we'd love to see it! We'll have booths set up for you to use and we will bringing some of our projects for you to check out. Please register on the EventBrite page for a Project Showcase ticket - which is also free!

We think this is going to be a great event that everyone, electronics savvy or not, can participate in! Learn a little about electronics and see what SparkFun is all about. We'll be posting periodic updates between now and the date, but in the meantime, PLEASE REGISTER (can you tell I'm really pushing this registration thing?). We really hope to see you out there!

Comments 32 comments

  • Member #84737 / about 13 years ago / 4

    I wonder if you can provide a portal for people like me > 10kkm away? :)

    • Same issue here.. I find myself at the wrong hemisphere once again...
      I'm currently considering doubling my investments on lottery tickets...
      (should this high risk investment work out , I promise to bring cake to go along with your ASHPD)

    • stevech / about 13 years ago / 1

      Wow. Scanning that photo shows a pretty low standard deviation in the stats of employee ages!

    • You're 10 kilokilometers away? In space, or just on the other side of the planet?

      • WizenedEE / about 13 years ago / 1

        Brazil, Japan, and Russia (the whole thing) are all about ten thousand kilometers from colorado. So If you lived anywhere in Asia, South America, Africa, or in parts of Europe, you would be more than >10kkm away.

  • rwizard / about 13 years ago / 2

    arrghh! It is such a long way from here. If only Sparkfun sold site to site transporter modules. I know, I'll go see if Thinkgeek has them back in stock...nope, still on backorder. I guess I'll have to go overland, let's see, 432.344646 leagues!?!? My horse will never make it that far in time. Darn. If only there were some other way to get there.

    • rwizard / about 13 years ago / 1

      Wait, I'm saved, I found my Seven League Boots™ in the bottom of the closet, I'll just walk, they're a mere 61.7142857 steps away! (Good thing I snagged these back out of that box of stuff my wife was throwing out last month!)

  • SD / about 13 years ago / 2

    It would be fun to talk to real live people in person and ask my stupid beginner/non-engineer questions but since I live in an out of the way place in a neighboring state (yeah I'm not as far away as some others have stated) I will have to be content to mail order and do my asking via the web.

  • eel / about 13 years ago / 2

    What is the closest airport?

    • Pegasus / about 13 years ago / 1

      If you are flying there yourself (as I would), the two closest General Aviation airports are:
      KBDU: Boulder Municipal Airport, KLMO Vance Brand Airport and KEIK Erie Municipal Airport all of which are within 15 miles of SparkFun.
      (be aware of high elevations, short landing strips and prairie dogs in the vicinity of runways though! I'm not sure about prairie dogs, but turtles crossing the runway on takeoff in Slidell, LA made strange popping noises and a rough ride!).
      KDEN Denver International Airport is the closest major airport, roughly 28 miles from Sparkfun.
      All of this from a boy in Houston, TX. And you thought all of us Texans rode cows! ;^)

    • Denver International Airport-DIA is the closest major one but i think there is one called Boulder municipal airport, DIA is probably your best bet

  • I signed up for the project showcase, but I haven't heard anything about it recently. 22 Oct is approaching rapidly. Any details?

  • HolyDiver / about 13 years ago / 1

    I just notified my entire hackerspace and am planning a group trip to see yall(matching t-shirts may be in order). Cannot wait!

  • Dang! When are people going to take me seriously enough to give me funding on my Passenger Quadcopter idea??? I can't go to all these events without an awesome flying machine! ;_;
    starts theorizing about Elbonia Airlines-style slingshot pack that would land me, an adult Chaperone, and ~3 friends perfectly inside the bouncy castle

  • medelman / about 13 years ago / 1

    Man I wish I lived near SparkFun. You guys are an awesome company and I'd love to work for you. While I love my job as an embedded engineer where I work now, being in medical devices doesn't really allow for much of a relaxed work environment. The FDA would frown on someone writing code for a life saving device while having a nice cold one.

  • swort / about 13 years ago / 1

    how cool is that picture!

  • homebray / about 13 years ago / 1

    Hmm.... I'm wondering what event this picture is from? Are champagne toasts a normal part of stenciling? I really need to get to one of your classes!

    • If I remember correctly, this photo was from this year's Free Day. That seems to be the perfect opportunity to grab a group photo each year... well that and mustache day.

  • qzjake / about 13 years ago / 1

    what is the event on the 14th?

  • Jai / about 13 years ago / 1

    wish i could go but i just got my job offer from the Navy so i will be in transit to cali by then to program for the us govt

  • Does this open house include a visit to a certain tweeting beverage dispenser? :)

    • KirAsh4 / about 13 years ago / 1

      Said dispenser, last I saw, it was on the second floor, in the lounge, in plain view of the tours. So I would say, unless they moved it, or unless they deny you access to the building, there's a good chance you will see it. grin

  • Mike27 / about 13 years ago / 1

    What's in the Crock Pot®?

  • CSBaum / about 13 years ago / 1

    Dang! I am working in Westminster this week and next, too bad the open house isn't earlier :(

  • sultanblender / about 13 years ago / 1

    Thumbs up to the guy in the tie. DIGNITY!

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