Our newest RTK surveyor is here and it utilizes the mosaic-X5 from Septentrio! Be sure to also check out our new ISP Pogo Adapter and Qwiic 24 Bit ADC.

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A new Cryptographic Dev Kit is available with a new Qwiic SGP40 Air Quality Sensor, and RPi Compute Module 4!

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Using cryptographic authentication, we created a super-secure remote control to open a garage!

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A new, Qwiic-enabled, Crypto Co-Processor Breakout, a gator:circuit kit for micro:bit, and the newest version of the LIDAR-Lite!

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I love puzzles – in particular, I love puzzles that involve cryptography.

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On IoT and security

Is it time to make smart devices dumber?

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I know that radar to measure speed (such as police use to check the speed of vehicles) uses doppler shift to measure the speed. The thought…

You need to reflash the firmware - see: https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_DataLogger/issues/3 Once you flash using that command, you can…

I think I just overwrite the DataLogger IoT firmware was doing firmware update and accidently hit Arduino script file, instead of cool term…

Thanks for the great description! I hadn't even been aware of the existance of NNSS, though in the mid 1980s, I'd looked at LORAN-C for a…

Thanks for the L band sharing !

Over the years, I've been pretty vocal about wanting on-board RTCs, with at least the possibility of connecting something like a coin…

Not only does VBAT supply the RTC, but there’s also battery-backed RAM onboard too! With the amount of space available on the Thing Plus…

Interesting... it sort of covers one of my "hot buttons", that is having an RTC. In looking at the schematic, I noticed that the "BAT"…

But Social Engineer's LOVE him. Good job catching so many of the buttons social manipulators use, but I nearly thought Sparkfun was off…

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