Our newest RTK surveyor is here and it utilizes the mosaic-X5 from Septentrio! Be sure to also check out our new ISP Pogo Adapter and Qwiic 24 Bit ADC.
From an automated mushroom farm to the first NFT in space! Read on to find out what happened at the Jan '22 Miami Hack Week!
A new Cryptographic Dev Kit is available with a new Qwiic SGP40 Air Quality Sensor, and RPi Compute Module 4!
Using cryptographic authentication, we created a super-secure remote control to open a garage!
A new, Qwiic-enabled, Crypto Co-Processor Breakout, a gator:circuit kit for micro:bit, and the newest version of the LIDAR-Lite!
I love puzzles – in particular, I love puzzles that involve cryptography.
Is it time to make smart devices dumber?
When site in Vietnamese?
Glad to be back! Thank you for your business!
I'm so glad this is back! Thank you!
Hi, has the discount for purchasing NVIDIA Jetson with an Educator Account ended?
Is this the equivalent of the GNS Electronics NTRIP-X: https://www.gns-electronics.de/product/ntrip-x-basestation-bundle/ Would I need both…
Hmm... I'm wondering if you've thought about offering a "package" of all 5 books?
Bring back the AVC! The Sparkfun RTK EVK would really change the Autonomous Vehicle Competition. Navigation would be a snap. The competitors…
Congratulations, this history is motivational, Best regards from Queretaro Mex.
Typo alert: Uh, you have two occurances of the Shapeoko 5 Maintenance Kit, and though some of the verbiage mentions a "pack of four…
Hi, has anyone tried to stack 3 audio adaptor board with extra i2s_quad objects to have 6 outputs?