A roundup of Hackster projects perfect for our favorite holiday!

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An in-depth look at the winners of our IoT for Everyone contest

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Reagan talks about making the CubeRinth Maximus for Two Bit Circus.

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Soldering together a robot solder badge and a WeevilEye kit.

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MakerCamp was a month long camp where makers, designers and mentors from different parts of the world and with varying skill sets came together to work on projects they wanted to dive deeper into. The group of participants flew in from all over the globe last month (August) to hack, make, teach, work together, and document their making process. In the end they came away with a global community of support for prototypes that can be kick-started into real life projects. As SparkFun was a partner in the camp, we wanted to showcase some of the awesome people and projects from the camp last month.

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We’ve probably used the word “maker” more times in the last year than we have in the last ten years. It’s pretty evident that making is blowing up. Makerspaces have made their way into blogs on education, hackerspaces are being featured in The New York Times, and a White House Maker Faire was held in lieu of the annual White House Science Fair this year. I think it’s fair to say making is so hot right now.

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Boulder Hackerspace autoponics project gets love from CU and NASA

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A brief history of Solid State Depot, the Boulder Hackerspace.

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Is this the equivalent of the GNS Electronics NTRIP-X: https://www.gns-electronics.de/product/ntrip-x-basestation-bundle/ Would I need both…

Hmm... I'm wondering if you've thought about offering a "package" of all 5 books?

Bring back the AVC! The Sparkfun RTK EVK would really change the Autonomous Vehicle Competition. Navigation would be a snap. The competitors…

Congratulations, this history is motivational, Best regards from Queretaro Mex.

Typo alert: Uh, you have two occurances of the Shapeoko 5 Maintenance Kit, and though some of the verbiage mentions a "pack of four…

Shawn definitely made some excellent videos! Another of the folks I miss is Pete Doktor, who also made many excellent videos. I sincerely…

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"heads up" -- pun intended? ;-)

Thanks for the heads up! Should be solved now. Goes back to workbench to continue work on anti-gravity machine

Uh,, unless they've managed to print a working anti-gravity machine, it sure looks to me like a couple of the photos are upside down (need…

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