mbed USB Slingshot

Check out this awesome project from our friends at mbed.

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I'm sure you all know somebody who is patently obsessed with the game "Angry Birds." Apparently, it's pretty popular, with users logging nearly 1 million hours of gameplay on just iOS each day. So, the folks over at mbed created a pretty awesome project to make the game a little more "real." Check it out:

Using an ADXL345 accelerometer, a stretch sensor, an mbed NXP LPC11U24, and a some clever carpentry, they created a slingshot that connects via USB to give you a whole new way of playing "Angry Bird." The accelerometer detects the tilt of the slingshot, while the stretch sensor interprets how far you pull back. When you release, it interfaces seamlessly with the game and launches your fowl projectile.

This is an awesome project that is a great example of exploring the world of USB peripherals - nice job mbed! Check out the project page for more information (and all the stuff you'll need to build your own). Now go get those pigs!

Comments 13 comments

  • AndyL / about 12 years ago / 2

    I wonder if it has a way to trigger birds that need a secondary trigger?

  • Talk about standing ovation...

    • sgrace / about 12 years ago / 2

      I was happily working and watching the video out of the corner of my eye, and then out of nowhere I hear the applause and screaming and I thought, "OH EEM GEE! Horrible! Just horrible!"

      I marked a "dislike" of the video, because it had that in there. Overall, project is cool.

  • abers13 / about 12 years ago / 1

    can you put this video on vimeo

  • great! im guesing it's not conpatible with the app.

  • DanZ / about 12 years ago / 1



  • coopersnout / about 12 years ago / 1

    Man, I love the mbed platform so much with how much punch that little guy can give in such a small size! I really think that this is one cool project and I can't wait to see the mbed platform gain the popularity it truly deserves.

  • And the Angry Birds Addiction continues to worsen as time goes on, Love it. Gotta make me one!!

  • Mace Freeman / about 12 years ago / 1

    I have never played angry birds but I love this awesome project. Please keep projects like this coming. It is very inspirational to see such ingenuity and creativity at work. Amazing.

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